RACING SAILS - Blue Phoenix Sails

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In racing, competition is absolute and the boat must be at the best performance: the sails are the only real engine.
The project, the material, the cut, shape, finishes, hardware: each step becomes crucial for good racing sail.

Blue Phoenix to realize racing sails employed high qualify technical and experienced sailor staff.
How Blue Phoenix proceeds to make high performance racing sails:

1) highly qualified and of great sailing experience Blue Phoenix staff, relief measures on board, supervising the type of equipment on your boat (bowsprit, textile stay for a roached main sail, halyard, etc...).
2) Control to compliance to rating system and possible optimization of the surfaces and materials.
3) Suggestion to shipowner of different types of material depending on the boat model and the kind of racing.
4) Development by Smar Azure Project design software, of sailing custom project for the type of boat concerned and depending on the chosen material.
5) If it is a laminate sail, the design of the paneled sail, is "disassembled" and transformed into nesting on the cutting machine, in order to distribute the individual project panels into the piece of material which, lying on the laser bank, It will be cut according to the data entered by the designer.
The laser beam will cut each panel without touching the material, which, retained on the micro-cutting bench by powerful suction pumps, will not undergo any displacement allowing the cut and cauterized panel, to keep unchanged the shape of the initial project.
6) If it is a membrane sail, the designer, with the software Azure Project, will develop the custom sail project, will put the fibers as the sail he wants to design, by concentrating the fibers in the major stress points and reduceing them where sailing will less subjected to stresses. The custom project file thus obtained will be sent to the manufacturers of membranes carefully selected by Blue Phoenix in order to obtain macro panels that respond to the project.
Blue Phoenix will assemble the macro panels, will trim the sail as the project and proceed to the finishes. Sail so obtained will be extremely light (the reinforcements are formed by the merger of fibers and not by overlapping material as in paneled sails) and performing (the macro panels designed with the camber where it is necessary, fibrates by project and the few joints make sail a true wing).
7) When the sail is ready, on request of the shipowner, Blue Phoenix staff could deliver the sail on board and perform the test at sea to ensure that everything meets the high quality Blue Phoenix standard.
8) If required, Blue Phoenix staff will work with the shipowner to the boat tuning and will be on board during some races.
9) The sail at the end of the first season, will be submitted by Blue Phoenix to a free check-up.
10) The sail will have a two year warranty.
11) The shipowner, for each technical advice, will find in Blue Phoenix a safe and professional support service.


BLUE PHOENIX di Toffano Nicoletta
Sede leg.: Via Comugne 67/D - 30028 S. Michele al Tagliamento (VE)
Veleria: Via Enrico Fermi 49 - 33058 S. Giorgio di Nogaro (UD)
Tel. 0039 (0) 431 558153 - Fax 0039 (0) 431 558761
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